If your looking for lean muscle these 3 products will do the job. T3 which is a man-made form of a naturally occurring hormone produced by our thyroid glands called liothyronine. Cytomel may be used to increase levels of thyroid hormone in the body and treat thyroid deficiency disorders (hypothyroidism). Anavar users of this steroid enables a person to burn fat fast. It increases the rate of metabolism in the body making a person sweat fast and ultimately shred excess amounts of fat. Test-c helps maintain muscle mass, increase the number of calories you burn and may keep you motivated to stay physically active.
Dosage: T3-1 capsule a day for 5 weeks
Dosage: Anavar- 2 capsules a day for 5 weeks
Dosage: Test-c- 1ml once a week for 10 weeks
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